
Are Non-woven Bags Environmentally Friendly Bags?

It has been five years since my country implemented the "plastic restriction order". Although plastic bags have changed from free provision to paid purchase, the achievements of "plastic reduction" are still considerable. This situation has prompted the vigorous development of a series of alternative industries such as environmentally friendly paper bags and non-woven bags in my country.

However, with the development of a series of alternative industries such as paper bags and Non-woven Shopping Bag, people have raised their own questions. Are bags made of these materials really environmentally friendly? The raw material of paper bags is paper, and the raw material of paper comes from wood. How many forests will be destroyed if paper bags are used in large quantities. The raw material of non-woven fabrics is PP polypropylene, which is a kind of plastic, which is consistent with the meaning of plastic bags. In this case, how can non-woven bags be said to be environmentally friendly?

In fact, it is reasonable for people to raise such questions. It is not believed that there is a completely environmentally friendly bag. In today's technology, environmentally friendly bags are a relative and broad environmental protection. Even if it is a degradable environmentally friendly bag, when producing such a bag, it must have a certain impact on the environment, so environmentally friendly bags are relative. The author believes that anything that can be recycled is environmentally friendly.

Of course, whether a series of environmentally friendly bags such as paper bags and non-woven bags are environmentally friendly depends on personal usage habits. If we use non-woven bags as disposable as plastic bags, then non-woven bags cannot be truly environmentally friendly bags. On the contrary, they will cause greater pollution to the environment. Environmental protection starts with me. Please use non-woven bags correctly.

Are Non-woven Bags Environmentally Friendly Bags?

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